SPTTC offers league play every Saturday evening. This is a chance for players of all skill levels to come and enjoy some friendly competition.


Current Club Ratings


1. The winner of group 1 will be rewarded with a $70 prize and the second place prize is $15. The group 2 winner will also receive $15.
2. If the total collection of the night is less than $50, the winner will receive the total amount collected.


1. League registration starts at 12:00 pm day of the league. Please register online at OmniPong.
2. All players must have a currently active USATT membership to play in the league. USATT memberships can be purchased at usatt.org.
3. New or first-time league players without a rating will be given an estimated rating to determine their placement in the groups.
4. Once the player limit is reached (currently 42 players), registration will be closed to further players.
5. Please arrive by 4:30 pm to pay and allow time for warming up.
6. The winners of tables 2 through 6 will move up to the next table the following week. For example, the winner of table 3 would move up to table 2 the next week if they show up for the league.
7. Players will be seeded into RR groups of 7 players; the top 6 players plus the player who won their group from the previous week and is moving up a table number.

Rating Adjustments

Players are allowed to use their USATT tournament rating if after a sanctioned USATT tournament, their new tournament rating is higher than their current SPTTC league rating. This only applies to the next time said player plays in the SPTTC league.

Spttc Junior League for 2024-2025

The junior league will be divided into three seasonal leagues:
• Fall: 9/14/24 to 12/21/24
• Winter: 1/11/25 to 4/5/24
• Spring: 4/19/25 to 6/14/25

The top four rated players from each season will be compete in a final playoff event on 6/21/25. A player is only counted once if placing in the top four in multiple seasons. Other players will be added based on ratings to fill the twelve spots. To qualify for the playoffs, players will need to attend at least 75% of league days in two of the three league seasons.

Awards will be given for each season for 1st and 2nd place in the following categories:
• Highest rating
• Most improved
• Best sttendance

The top three playoff finishers will receive trophies.


5:00pm - 9:00pm


$10.00 for members

$20.00 for non-members

$15.00 for junior non-members

If a participant arrives before 5pm and wishes to practice, an additional $5 fee will be added.